Piper Heidsieck Brut
AOP Champagne
Piper Heidsieck Brut750 ml
Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut is a classic, structured, full-bodied and bursting with fruit Champagne. The blend is composed of a majority of Pinots Noirs, incorporating more than 100 crus from around the Champagne region and Pinots Meuniers from the Grande et Petite Montagne de Reims region.
Look: A clear, golden Champagne robe par excellence. Delicate and fine bubbles resulting from an extended maturation time.
Look: A clear, golden Champagne robe par excellence. Delicate and fine bubbles resulting from an extended maturation time.
Nose: Fresh fruit dominates, with pear and russet apple, and a few hints of citrus fruits such as star fruit. The finish evokes fresh grapes, livened with hints of freshness and aniseed.
Palate: A structured, full-bodied and frank wine. A juicy, fleshy pear and golden grape texture. The finish narrows to citrus and grapefruit flavours. A great fruity wine with good texture and harmonious balance.
![Piper Heidsieck Brut Piper Heidsieck Brut](/sites/default/files/prod-award/piper_heidsciek_wine_spectator_award_macaron.jpg)